Accidental slips cost - $4 billion annually

  • Slips, Trips and Falls are a large and costly public health problem that can result in death or disablement.
  • Estimated Cost - $4billion annually!
  • Slips, trips and falls in Australian buildings – $3.4 B
  • One in five workers suffers an ‘unseen’ injury as a result of a slip, trip or fall at work, and most of these occur at ground level. They can happen in any part of the workplace that people have access to – at the front door, in the loading dock, a kitchen, stairwell or car park.
  • Workplace cost averages $48,000 per incident
  • Employee duties in OHS Act (S.25) Take reasonable care to protect themselves and others from risks to health and safety, including those resulting from slips, trips or falls Ways to take reasonable care would include:
  • Immediately cleaning up any spills they have caused • report slips, trips and falls hazards
  • Maintain attentiveness in relation to workplace risks which lead to slips trips and falls (eg,not walking while talking on mobile phones)
  • Using all equipment appropriately.